Hello Mary,

On 04 October 2004 at 07:46:55GMT -0500 (which was 13:46 where I live)
Mary Bull wrote and made these points on the subject of "Rogues pics":

MB> Your screen shot with Jürgen Haug's message in focus in the Preview
MB> Pane does not show the line (in my set-up it appears right below the
MB> "Follow up:" line) for "X-Rogue:". If you check "X-Rogues" in "View
MB> Folder/View/Message Headers" a line will appear and if it is my
MB> message that is in focus it will say:

This has nothing to do with Lynn's problem, but I'd like to know
what's the "Follow up". I know it's a header item you can turn on and
off, but what is it precisely?

Best regards,
 Cristina in Lisbon, Portugal :flag-portugal:

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