Hello Lynn!

On Monday, October 04, 2004, 4:10 PM, you wrote:

MB>> Look down your long list of choices. Be sure X-Rogues is checked.

L> It is ...

Between the time I sent that post and your reply, someone corrected me
and said that enabling X-rogues would not fix the problem.

And it doesn't, so my advice was useless and wrong. However, I was in
on the beta testing of this technology, and it seems to me that at one
time that was a necessary component of seeing Rogues. But, I may be
having a senior moment. :woe:

MB>> X-Rogue: :mary:

L> Yes, it does now ... however, you must not be a rogue,
L> because I can't see you! lol!

L> Nor any rogues :-(

I am so sorry. I am as puzzled as everyone else about this. Now, Leif
Gregory is the creator and deviser of this technology, in company with
9Val of the Bat Team.

Now that the wiki Bat documentation pages are launched and now that
all the hard time we had with the Roguemoticon and PCWSmiley Smileys
zip files over the weekend seems to past--Leif believes he has fixed
the code, and I've been monitoring closely all day and I believe he
has fixed it, also--

Anyway, now that we're past that, perhaps Leif could have a look at
your problem and help you solve it. As you know, he is one of the
moderators on the TB! lists along with Marck and Roelof and, I still
have to name him, moderator-emeritus Allie.

So perhaps he'll notice this thread and give some help. At least, I
hope so!

< ... >

L>  http://www.turriff.net/MiscPix/SShot.jpg

L> And in a minute I will shuffle a new screen shot over
L> there, so you can see what it looks like now ...

Loaded in a flash here. I'm on cable broadband. And the previous one
did take a slow crawl! :)

However, seeing it gives me no clue.

Could you give us a screen shot of your Options/Preferences/Message
Headers/X-Rogue configuration?

Best regards,
The Bat! 3.0.1 RC3 on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 2

Current version is 3.00.00 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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