Hello Roelof,

W>> Since this morning, when I go to filters of my accounts, in
W>> "Incoming rules", I can see my 10 rules like yesterday, but more,
W>> there is now a sub-folder created named "Moving in Hooks" !
W>> I never saw that before, and I'm sure I've not created this
W>> folder. I'm sure because TB authorize me to create rules in
W>> "Incoming mail" section but not folders...
> I don't know how you got this.
> I can't reproduce it, for anybody interested, here's a screenshot of
> Wil's problem:
> http://www.krakeel.cistron.nl/TB3_NFS.JPG

He probably and inadvertently hit <shift+Ctrl+F> while while at a message
from "Moving in Hooks". That created the filter  and the filter
triggering later on a new message from same source did create the
folder. Although I think he is a bit ambiguous what talking about
"filters" (or rules) and folders and sub-folders.

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v3.0.2.6

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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