Hello P.Johnson & everyone else,

on 30-Nov-2004 at 18:51 you (P.Johnson) wrote:

ASK>> Is it a common filter? Maybe you've just forgotten to share it with your
ASK>> accounts.

> I've set up two separate filters for the two accounts, using two slightly
> different conditions. And, neither works consistently. It seems strange
> that some mail classified as spam would be moved to the correct folder,
> and others also marked would not be moved by the filter.

I've configured K9 to *not* add the spam percentage count to the header so
that it'll simply contain "spam".

IIRC the default setting is to include that counter so the header is
"spam[89]" or something. Maybe thats the problem.

> Thanks for your help!

Now, if it would only work! :-)

Best regards,
 Alexander (http://www.neurowerx.de - ICQ 238153981)
 using TB! v3.0.2.8 on Windows XP Pro Service Pack 2

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