Hello Nav,

N> Has anyone tried running TB on Linux using Wine?

There's plenty in the archives, but for my money (or lack of it!) Wine
is as good as Crossover with TB. It runs, but you have to take a bit
of are with what you click on in the UI.

N> Does Ritlabs have any plans to release Linux version of TB.

N> I really don't like windows, but TB is holding me up :)

Perhaps one reason that Ritlabs is holding back is that most of the
Linux e-mail clients offer a lot of the power (regex) functionality
already. OK, you have to pipe out to a command line, but this
shouldn't be a problem to anyone who's regexing.

I've recently been playing with Evolution, and this strikes me as a
great compromise between user simplicity and power.  It's the kind of
thing that I *could* see myself recommending to friends and family.

It also managed to import all my contact and calendar information from
Windows in one hit.  That's a first for me.


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