K9 Users or anyone who can explain this...

Decided to try K9 with TB see wow it worked. I have K9 set up to add
X-text-classification SPAM to the header. I then set up a filter to
move mail with this header to the junk folder, no problem, so I
thought. TB is toggling parking to on for random messages, probably
about 30% of the total junk mail traffic. I rechecked my filter, it's
OK. I looked for a common thread in the e-mail that were parked and
those that were not parked, I can't find anything.

Two other odd things have happened since using K9. I have a specific
view mode for my junk folder. It does not include the parking column.
I went back and checked the view mode, parking is not selected. I
changed the view mode for the junk folder to my default (which doesn't
include parking either) then back to junk. The parking column
dutifully disappeared when set to default then reappeared when going
back to junk.

The other thing is threading. I have never had threading
turned on for the junk folder. Well, it's threaded by subject now,
even though the view mode specifically says threaded by none. Has
anybody else seen any of these behaviors before?



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