Hello Marck,

Saturday, February 5, 2005, 12:24:38 PM, you wrote:

JH>> yeah that would be nice, it would have made me convert some people
JH>> to TB! This and HTML mail as standard when you start a new mail.

> Preferences..Viewer/Editor..Default message/text editor.

> Enjoy. (Or shudder, as I do).

grin - I would never use a setting that makes ALL emails start as HTML mail and 
I would have to turn that off if I don't want to use that. Most of my mails are 
plain mails. But a macro setting and a switch in the ADDRESS BOOK would be 
*really* great. 
And better support for HTML mail. But I think they're working on that.

The problem is, that I am using TB! at work, too (which in itself is not a 
problem but a blessing), but in the last 4 or 5 places I been working the rule 
was  'You have to have HTML mail switched on by default, and you have to use 
this and that template for your mails' - which usually included some colourful 
and larger text font for the name and the company logo above/below it.

My present work place is the worst. The administrator has set the mail server 
so that it turnes ANY incoming mail into an HTML mail, and ALL outgoing mails 
are turned into HTML mails as well. ARGH! I am using now my own mailserver for 
my private mails I send out, but I can't do that for my business mail. 

Best regards,
:eu-flag3: :de-bw: :safaribears:

"There are none so blind as those who will not see"

Using The Bat! v3.0.2.4 Rush, Opera v8.00.7401 on WinXP Home v2600 SP2

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