Allie Martin wrote on Monday, March 28, 2005 3:30:23 PM (687 Beats):

> Actually, no. It'll just work, but it wouldn't be as fast as if you had
> all message bodies locally cached.

Well, the only "search" method that works for me, is the alt-click-method
(how do i return from those search results to normal view). The other two
don't work.

Funny too is, that i can't quoute mails with F4, i only get a blank
template - only a reply works.

>>> The alt-click and quick searching also work.
>> How to use those?

> Hold down the alt button while clicking on any item in the message 
> list.  TB! will list all messages containing the same message list 
> element.
> So if you wish to see all messages from me, just hold down the alt 
> button and click on my name in the message list. You can do the same 
> for message subject, and the various flags. You may wish to see all 
> messages with attachments. Just alt-click on the attachment icon in a 
> message containing an attachment. It's a great feature.

> The quick search works by just typing in the message list field, the 
> string that you're searching for. The quick search will do only message 
> list searches. Not whole message searches.

Ralph    |    mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]     |    PGP Key ID: 0x5F1A33E3
Running The Bat! on Windows XP 5.1.2600 SP2

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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