Hello Elis Bruce-Konuah & everyone else,

on 11-Mai-2005 at 20:31 you (Elis Bruce-Konuah) wrote:

> I haven't tried this myself, but a plugin does apparently exist:

Great! Thanks for finding it.

> http://www.vgirlos2.narod.ru/GoogleDesktopSearchTheBatInstaller.exe

The D/L crawled at 1kb/s but I got it.

> If anybody does try it, I'd be interested to hear your results.

So far it works; both the indexing and the searching are very fast - nice!

I've yet to try how it works on indexing newly arrived messages. What I'm
missing is a "view in The Bat" option as it is with the native Outlook
support. I don't know if that can be done with TB.

Best regards,
 Alexander (http://www.neurowerx.de - ICQ 238153981)

Microsoftophobia: the fear that software upgrades will force a
hardware upgrade (David Calvarese)

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