On Sunday, July 3, 2005, 11:51:17, Sam Brown wrote:

> Just for fun I went back to a 1.53 version and the problem still
> showed itself. I do have a 2.12 to try if you think that would help,
> but at this point, I'm thinking the result would likely be the same.

It seems the problem isn't TB's fault.

> What I can say as far as things that may have, in some odd way,
> initiated this is that things stopped working when my roommate used
> my computer.

Ah... simple. Uninstall your roommate! ;-)

> I have considered rolling back my system to a restore point prior to
> when all of this started, I'm just worried about everything else
> that would impact (as it has been almost three weeks now) so I
> wanted to know whether there was absolutely no solution before going
> ahead with that.

It's questionable whether Windows will be able to restore itself
completely. But you could try doing that. What good is a computer
anyways when you can't use your email program! :)

Good luck!


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