Hello Gerard,

Friday, September 30, 2005, 2:23:41 PM, you wrote:

G> ON Friday, September 30, 2005, 12:48:12 PM, you wrote:

JZ>> 1.      Is a way I can assign a hot-key to this feature, so that I
JZ>> don't have to pick up the mouse so often. 
JZ>> 2.      Can I define the spelling language in a template?

G> Hi Jenny,

G> I have the same problem as you (and Roelof).
G> What I have done is made templates for English an Dutch nationals and
G> assigned them to different groups. I have then made Templates with the
G> language macro setting the language in the template.

G> This also gives you the possibility to make language specific greeting and
G> quotes :)

G> I have also suggest a while ago and option in the address book to select
G> the persons language but I have not heard anything about it. Its probably
G> going to be version 5 or higher before that happens :(

Hi Gerard, 
I see you are using a newer version of The Bat! than mine, can I just upgrade? 
are there any precautions to be taken?

Kind regards,
Current version is 3.60.7 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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