
My mail folders are rather large, and since a while, as soon as I
start The Bat! I've got my cpu working at 100%. (which is, obviously,
slowing down the whole computer)

   I'm using The Bat! Version 3.60.07
   under Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2
   AMD Athlon 2400+
   1,99 GHz 1,00 GB of RAM

Do I need to archive mail or something to have the bat! running normal
again, or is there a fault somewhere. Normally, I use to have my email
client on oall the time i'm behind a pc, that isn't possible now...


Lex Thoonen
PĂȘng Smart Web Design - http://www.peng.nl
Gran Canaria Info     - http://www.gran-canaria-info.com
Hollandse Nieuwe      - http://www.hollandsenieuwe.com
tel. +34 928 88.61.77

Current version is 3.62.14 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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