Hello Rich!

On Sunday, November 27, 2005, 11:14 AM, you wrote:

MB>> But I don't expect to see him back here ...

> Too bad he hit us up w/ that Q during our holidays. Neither was I as
> available, and unable to help. I do understand that he was less than
> accurate on several points but still, a little patience would have
> been all that was necessary. At times _I_ could have been that
> poster!

Yes, me too.

< ... >

MB>> I was lucky to find a vet able to save my long-time pet
MB>> companion.

> I am very happy for you and your pet. We do rescues as well and it
> can be draining. Best wishes.

Thank you so very much. Indeed, my pet *was* a rescue, seven and a
half years ago, following a massive hailstorm.

And, I feel, that in a sense, part of what we do on TBUDL is rescue
work, also. It's a great satisfaction when one is actually able to
give help as well as receive it.

Best regards,
The Bat! 3.63.05 (Beta) on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 2

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