Hello Alexander!

On Sunday, November 27, 2005, 11:59 AM, you wrote:

>> Because I might have been able to break everything down into simple
>> enough steps to help Bob be successful

> He wanted to use one email address with two programs... respect if
> you're able to break this down into simple enough steps to be
> successful. ;-)


I see what you mean. But he didn't even know what to do with
Transport, as near as I could read him.

He did get told that he would have to have separate e-mail addresses
for his wife and for himself. But he didn't seem to have enough
understanding to know what to do with that information.

That's all that I meant, that for a rank beginner, setting up
Transport can be daunting, for all that it looks so simple.

Best regards,
The Bat! 3.63.05 (Beta) on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 2

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