Hello Roelof,

Thursday, February 9, 2006, 7:47:18 PM, you wrote:

Roelof> Hallo Robert,

Roelof> On Thu, 9 Feb 2006 17:54:18 -0500GMT (9-2-2006, 23:54 +0100, where I
Roelof> live), you wrote:

RF>>   Hi. I under stand forms a little and getting thing to go where you
RF>>   what them...but I am having trouble. since ever mail message has
RF>>   NORTON ANTISPAM attached to the subject....I want all my TBUDL
RF>>   messages to got to my forum file but am having difficulty doing
RF>>   so...I tries queuing off the header with not luck...does anyone have
RF>>   a script of sorting filter that they could ship me that will do
RF>>   this....

Roelof> I'm not sure what you mean with a forum file. Do you mean you export
Roelof> them to an external file? In that case it would be possible to extract
Roelof> the proper subject from the version garbled by Norton AntiSpam
Roelof> When you mean you move them to a folder within TB then it's not
Roelof> possible to what you want.

Roelof> I can't imagine though that it's not possible to tell Norton to keep
Roelof> from adding stuff to non-spam messages.


When I mentioned my health problems and remembering thing as well as
having problems learning new complex processes I sometimes write things that 
make sense. Example forum file.....What I meant to say was simply
folder as in I wanted to put all my mail from the TBudl forum into a
folder but I couldn't articulate that at the time I wrote the message.
Today is a better day and I remembered what I was trying to say.

Norton Antis has a allowed list and a blocked list. When I get mail
from some one I know and it goes into the spam folder (in outlook) I
simply say this is not spam and it puts it into my inbox and then adds
that persons address to my address book, but there are still problems,
some of my allowed list people keep going into the spam folder no
matter what I do....there is a rules section that I am experimenting
with where you set up rules for specific sets of e-mail messages,
however I am not sure how to coordinate that with TB! but I am sure I
will eventually figure it out....   TB! is not that intuitive and I
only wish I still remembered my Perl programing and scripting
languages which would make setting this program up a lot easier.

Best regards,
 Robert                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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