On 05-03-2006 21:39, you [M] wrote in
M> Vertical split gives me three full-width panes, one above another.
M> Horizontal spilt gives three full-height panes side by side.

To me, vertical means top to bottom.

The splits are vertical when there are 3 columns.

M> Why anybody would want anything other than "full-height account
M> tree" is beyond me.  (-;

Which I am currently using, too. But if the wish is implemented, you
could have a very high preview pane doing away with scrolling is most

<greeting> Best regards </greeting>  
<author> Peter Fjelsten </author> 
<thebat version> 3.71.01 Pro </thebat version>
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<os> Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1 </os>


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