
,- - [ Le dimanche 26 mars 2006 vers 19:23 Curtis écrivait: ] - -
> Richard's suggestion that TB! should be able to wrap received text to a
> user defined limit in the viewer, independent of the preview pane would
> be the nice thing to have. However, Pegasus Mail is the only client with
> a viewer I've encountered that will do this. I think Becky! is capable
> of this as well. But alas, most viewers will not do so.

It seems that the only thing needed is the following : be able to resize the 
preview pane independently of the others panes, technicaly, just adding a fake 
pane on the right side of the preview pane must do it, resizing this fake empty 
pane will automaticaly resize the preview pane also, allowing to automaticaly 
wrap the mails the way anyone want...  it seems logical that the width of the 
preview pane is the width the user want to preview their mails, the only actual 
problem is that TB does not allow to resize it independently.

Maybe an idea for ritlabs : i think this option should really not be difficult 
to implement, and will offer a great solution for people who want to preview 
their mails on a smaller width...  

> Format=flowed is an interesting system introduced in the RFC to help
> tackle this problem. However, it will work only if all clients followed
> suite.

Format=flowed did not help with existing email clients wich use a smaller 
width, like PDA, cellular,...  those softwares work perfectly well when there 
is no hardwrap...  but we can hope that those softwares will be able someday to 
remove the space/CR/LF then reformat the mail...

`- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Best regards...
(_'  L'informatique est ma passion, vous la simplifier, mon métier !
,_)téphane Bouvard [antarex AT freenet DOT be] http://www.antarex.be

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