Hello, all.

On 3/27/06, Martin Schuster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> *Technically* I think it would be no problem to build mail clients
> that wrap unwrapped text automatically at a user-given width, so
> everyone would be able to read the mail just as wide as he wants.
> Everyone would send unwrapped lines, a CR/LF would mean "start a new
> paragraph", and everyone would be happy.

...except this _will_ break some existing email clients.
Outlook users do this a lot, and I used to use an email
client that would crash on emails from Outlook users. I
narrowed it down to a single, very long line.

RFC 2822 (email format) says a line must not be longer
than 998 characters not counting the CRLF, and should not
be greater than 78. This is more or less what rfc 2821
(smtp) says about the maximum length of a line.

Even within the format=flowed world, the line widths should
be less than 80, and the recommendation is 66 characters
(rfc 2646).

> So I gave up the hope for unwrapped mails a few years ago and looked
> for a good editor that at least makes the task of composing wrapped
> lines easier. Micro-Ed is just that.

I do like how micro-ed can figure out what is quoted,
and act like format=flowed display. Now, it just has do
utf-8 encoding...

Current version is 3.71.03 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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