
I'm not sure if this is a TB! problem but I don't know where to turn to
so I'm and posting it here for starters.

Since yesterday I have started getting duplicate mail. For instance,
I've just been out for four hours and came back to see that three times
in those four hours (I have TB! set to download new messages every 10
minutes) it had downloaded all the messages in my Message Box, 65 at the
beginning and, five minutes ago, 78.

I have not changed any settings in TB! but I did upgrade Outpost
firewall yesterday evening, although the problem of the duplicates
started occurring before I did that.

The account log doesn't give any clue as to what is happening, it just
says " 13/01/2007, 22:57:07: FETCH - 75 messages in the mailbox, 75
new". It then downloads them all and, a short while later on, it does
the same with the same messages plus any new ones. In between times it
works perfectly, just downloading the new messages as it should.

I do a scheduled full maintenance every night so was wondering if anyone
would have any pointers. I've looked through the archives but can't find
anything relevant to my situation.


| The Bat! 3.95.6 with POP3 account & AntispamSniper
| Windows XP (build 2600) version 5.1 Service Pack 2
| F-Prot AV, Outpost Firewall Pro, Spysweeper, Adaware, SpyBot
| CPU: Athlon 1.09 Ghz
| RAM: 1024 MB

Holiday in France: http://perso.wanadoo.fr/lazyhomes/holiday.html

Current version is 3.95.06 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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