Hello Perry Nelson & everyone else,

on 14-Jan-2007 at 15:04 you (Perry Nelson) wrote:

ASK>> I just remembered it myself today and started to add some articles. ;-)

> I'm sure you noticed that the link I recommended to Mike in
> mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] was one that you had
> written. I'm pleased to hear that you've returned to adding articles
> there because your explanations of things are often quite helpful.

Thank you.

Here's a request: if something in an article on the Wiki is not correct,
or not sufficient enough - correct the article, or create links to
articles with further explanations, in other words: take the freedom to
*change* the existing article. Don't add notes and discussion to it.
*Change* the article and make it better and more precise. Thats how a
Wiki is supposed to work. :-)

> The answers we exchange with each other on these lists, here and on
> TBBETA, can serve as fodder for those updates. For instance, I think
> Miguel's idea about how to set up an automated, password-protected
> archive of The Bat! in mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> warrants inclusion there. "How to customize a toolbar" also comes to
> mind as an example.

Both would be good additions, indeed!

Best regards,
 Alexander (http://www.neurowerx.de)

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