Hi Alexander and fellow Bat users,

PN>> And while I'm mentioning this site, I'll use my response to you to ask
PN>> the group as a whole, "Is anyone still working on this site?"

ASK> I just remembered it myself today and started to add some articles. ;-)

  I'm sure you noticed that the link I recommended to Mike in
  mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] was one that you had
  written. I'm pleased to hear that you've returned to adding articles
  there because your explanations of things are often quite helpful.

PN>> Having users collaborate on documentation seemed like a good idea when
PN>> it was first proposed back in 2004, but I'm not sure whether anyone
PN>> still remembers it is there.

ASK> There should be more activity on the wiki, there's no question
ASK> about it.


  I've started this new thread in the hope that it will remind (or
  inform) others of the existence of this site, which by the way can be
  found at http://www.pcwize.com/thebat/tbudp/, and revive the practice
  of updating it.

  The answers we exchange with each other on these lists, here and on
  TBBETA, can serve as fodder for those updates. For instance, I think
  Miguel's idea about how to set up an automated, password-protected
  archive of The Bat! in mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  warrants inclusion there. "How to customize a toolbar" also comes to
  mind as an example.


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