Hello one and all,

Recently I've been exposed to information regarding the real or
imagined dangers of using Gmail from Google:

While I'm not into black helicopters as a rule, I do lean towards
lending some credence to what I've read about Google's data-mining
practices and how easily it could be subverted. It occurred to me that
perhaps that might be one reason why some people on this list seem to
use encryption, but since I'm always able to view correspondence from
this list without any decryption that I'm aware of, I'm at a loss to
understand the purpose this encryption. If I can view the email
apparently un-encrypted, where's the protection encryption supposedly
provides? Or am I completely missing the purpose of such encryption?

Enlightenment would be most appreciated.

Jack LaRosa                  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Conveying information with The Bat! ver: 3.95.6
Operating? with Windows XP Pro ver 5 build 2600 Service Pack 2

Current version is 3.95.06 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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