Hi Mary,

BTW, does the current version of TheBat work with PGP Desktop v9? The
v8 version has no issues, but didn't a file get renamed with v9 so
that TheBat wouldn't recognize it any more? Did that issue get
resolved since?

> But, be aware, that if you save a message in The Bat! as draft, which
> will park it in the Outbox, then: [...]
> I complained over-and-over on TBBETA about this behavior.
> No one there would agree with me that it was a serious security issue.

Spoke too soon. I would, definitly. Sorry, I must have overlooked your
posts on this issue.

Then again, that may not be of much value - if my suggestions would
have any weight on TBBETA I wouldn't need to use v3.0.1.33 still in
the year of 2007. ;-)

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Alto Speckhardt

Attachment: pgpuJyFKmmAFf.pgp
Description: PGP signature

Current version is 3.95.06 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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