Hi Paul,

on Fri, 19 Jan 2007 09:07:55 +1000GMT (19.01.2007, 00:07 +0100GMT here),
you wrote:

PB>>> The problem seems to be in only one of the filters. If I try to
PB>>> another condition, the list fades on screen and moves down the page,
PB>>> but never stops doing this.

PB>>> Have since added an extra filter to handle the additional condition,
PB>>> and this works fine; have then added a second condition to that filter
PB>>> and there is no problem.

PB>>> So it may be some corruption in that particular filter, that has 27
PB>>> conditions in it.

PM>> I remember a problem with (too) many conditions in a filter and
PM>> searched the archive. In TBBeta I found the thread from July 2005
PM>> starting with mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] The conclusion
PM>> was that too many conditions cripple the filter, and there was nothing
PM>> to be done about it. I didn't know that the problem persists. If you
PM>> wish I can send you the thread by PM.

PB> Thanks Peter.

PB> Would appreciate that item.


I want to add, that there was a BT entry about this
(https://www.ritlabs.com/bt/view.php?id=4937) where 9Val concluded,
"It is not designed to be used in such way. Filters with more than 20
conditions should use "contains any of"/"contains all"/"contains


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