Hallo pkr,

On Fri, 28 Sep 2007 05:07:30 +0530GMT (28-9-2007, 1:37 +0200, where I
live), you wrote:

PB> First post, at times the incoming message triggers the voyager
PB> to for installation CD of Office 2003. Even after supplying the
PB> same, it goes into a loop.

That's odd. It's happening with Voyager, you say? Is it happening on
multiple computers or just on one system?

PB> The error message is enclosed (bat_error.png).

You can't post attachments here, better upload it to website place the
link in your message, or select the error message and press Ctrl-C
when it happens, so you can paste it in a message.

PB> If this particular message is somehow deleted it goes into
PB> Trash Folder, does not create any problem. If attempt is made to
PB> delete it from trash, the same problem is encountered.

What happens when you delete it from Trash by emptying the Trash
folder instead of opening the message?

PB> Otherwise no issues. The message which has this problem is often
PB> with attachment or even without attachment.

Do those messages have anything in common? The account they're
directed to, do the senders belong to the same address book group, are
they written with the same mail client?

PB> Apparently from the error message it looks like a memory related
PB> problem. But it is happening very rarely, prompting me to think
PB> that its really not a memory problem.

When it happens, would you be busy with Office 2003 or a special part
of it?

PB> Can somebody please throw some light ?

Now that I think of it, did you install Outlook as a part of Office
2003? Is some document type associated with Outlook?

Groetjes, Roelof

When you're a little rabbit,  carry a big gun.
The Bat! 3.99.24
Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2
3 pop3 accounts
OTFE enabled
P4 3GHz

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