(RESEND- somehow didn't appear?)

Fellow Bat! Fans.

Using to collect mail through K9 spam filter, works fine on
port 9999; trying also to use to connect to MyGate (for news
feeds)on ports 1700 /1701.

The MyGate connection fails from Bat! -> MyGate and possibly vice
versa as well.

Get error message when connecting to MyGate from the log:-

 16/09/2007, 21:57:58: FETCH - Connecting to
 16/09/2007, 21:58:00: FETCH - connected to POP3 server
 16/09/2007, 21:58:00: FETCH - authenticated (plain)
!16/09/2007, 21:58:02: FETCH - Connection to host broken (last commands sent 
were: "PASS", "STAT")

Can anyone assist here at all?  Maybe something in MYGate set up I
can't see?

(Have asked previously but so far no response which solves the issue).



John Phillips
Sydney, Australia

Using Bat! 3.99.24, Windows XP, 2600, Service Pack 2
Dell Precision M70 Laptop, 1 Gig ram.

Current version is 3.99.24 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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