[Reply to: »MAU« · 2008-03-13 · 14:11 h (CET)]

Moin, MAU!

>>> Have you tried Options | Preferences | Messages | Limit expansion
>>> of the first column to _ levels?

>> No. but I have now.

>> Just perfect. I knew it was somewhere but could not find it.

> You learn something everyday. I always thought (and believed) that
> setting was ONLY for the first column of the Message List Pane, and
> not for the folder tree pane.

Hmmm, I justed tested and found out that this setting *only* effects
the message list, the folder tree is untouched by this setting. This
seems to be correct (aka WAD), because the setting is called
"Options|Preferences|Messages" and not "Options|Preferences|Columns".

So, I really do not know, how this setting fixed David's problem.


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Q&A <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> — Date: 2008-03-13
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