[Reply to: »Rick Grunwald« · 2008-03-18 · 18:13 h (CET)]

Moin, Rick!

>> AFAIK there is no option to keep the "Parked" status. Maybe a
>> filter could be a workaround, but I don't know how, yet. – I think
>> you should file a wish to Bugtracker. I would support. :-)

> Is not the purpose of parking a message to keep you from
> accidentally deleting or moving it.

Is it so? I don't know. Does "Parking" only mean to keep one from
deleting a message or does it mean to keep one from deleting *and*
moving a message? Why should I not move parked messages and keep the
"Parked" flag?

> I would think the work around would be to unpark it.

This is the status quo when moving a parked message and confirming
the warning.

> You get a message asking you if you really want to move a parked
> message and it will allow it. I think it is working as designed

I bet it is working as designed, but I am not convinced that the
design is completely user friendly:

I sometimes move a bunch of messages (parked and unparked) from one
folder to another. I confirm the warning and have to go through all
the messages to find the ones which need to be parked again.


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Q&A <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> — Date: 2008-03-18
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