Hello list,

One of my mail boxes was not bringing in its its usual quota of
incoming mail, so I thought maybe Vitaly's Antispam Sniper Pro is doing its
job a little too well.

But no, the mail box on the server has some emails, but they are not
large enough to casue any kind of backlog.I deleted all of them except the one 
I want, and marked it

Now I try to I press F2 and it just sits there with the dialog box saying its 
until it times out.

I have tried F11 (send and receive all) but it just sits there and
eventually times out after 2 minutes. But this a 3.5K plain text

See log:

 3/28/2008, 09:50:08: FETCH - connected to POP3 server
 3/28/2008, 09:50:09: FETCH - authenticated (plain)
 3/28/2008, 09:50:10: FETCH - 1 messages in the mailbox, 1 new
!3/28/2008, 09:51:11: FETCH - Connection to host broken (last commands sent 
were: "UIDL", "RETR 1")
 3/28/2008, 09:59:04: FETCH - receiving mail messages
 3/28/2008, 10:00:00: FETCH - connected to POP3 server
 3/28/2008, 10:00:01: FETCH - authenticated (plain)
 3/28/2008, 10:00:02: FETCH - 1 messages in the mailbox, 1 new
!3/28/2008, 10:01:02: FETCH - Connection to host broken (last commands sent 
were: "UIDL", "RETR 1")

I must suspect TB because its happening with other accounts, and
never occurred in

Confirmation please!

Michael J. Sharp

Using the world's best e-mail client: 
The Bat! Pro v4.0.18.6 
OS Windows XP 5.1 Build  2600 Service Pack 2 
POP3 with AntispamSniper Pro v2.7.1.7

Current version is 4.0.18 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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