Hallo Chris,

On Tue, 10 Jun 2008 18:05:17 +1000GMT (10-6-2008, 10:05 +0200, where I
live), you wrote:

C> I have misunderstood that option in the first place - I thought
C> that it looked at the from address while the message was still on
C> the server, and then would delete it without needing to download
C> it.

Well, you do that with selective download filters, those download the
message headers and can kill the message from server before the full
message will be downloaded.
However, I've never used them myself as they lengthen the download
time substantially, because the message headers will be downloaded
twice, once to compare them with the selective download filters and
a second time when the complete message is downloaded. With my message
mix (lots of short messages) that isn't worth the trouble.
Furthermore I don't kill on arrival and that's the only useful action
for selective download filters.

C> What actions do I need so that I never see the message in the first
C> place?

'Delete the message', that's the action listed right above 'Delete
from server'
My server does my spam marking, it adds a spam header and I've set TB
to move those messages to a spam folder and mark them as read (you
know that you can set multiple actions to a single filter, don't you)
so I won't see it unless I'm browsing my spam folder to check for
false spam marks. So that could be an option for you too.

C> Ah nuts :( I'm not sure what the problem with it is - I set it to be
C> the two dashes and then a blank line under that with my name a further
C> line down.

The blank lie isn't necessary, but it's supposed to consist of dash
dash space on a single line, but as you aren't using TB on the list I
can't comment on how to achieve that.

C> Ok, I've tried a change - does this one work any better?


Groetjes, Roelof

Windows: written entirely by and for blondes
The Bat!
Windows Vista 6.0 Build 6001 Service Pack 1
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