
On Monday 16 March 2009 at 10:15:01 AM, in
<mid:1369433354.20090316171...@gmail.com>, tracer wrote:

> my problem is that often the email write ends up open in topmode. If
> that's not what's required, can they change the default???

A reply opens with the cursor wherever your reply template puts it.

For a list like this - where you read through the quoted text, make
your reply comments after the text they refer to, and trim out the
bits you do not refer to - it makes little difference where you put
the cursor in your reply template.

The bottom does have the advantage that a quick reply, dashed off by
typing at the cursor without thinking, would adhere to the rule
banning top-posting and break only the rule about untrimmed quotes.

Where I work, the convention is to write your reply at the top and
leave the whole of the previous message below your signature, without
using cut marks.

Best regards,

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