Hello Lynn

Monday, April 20, 2009, 11:00:30 AM, you wrote:

L> 4/19/2009

t>> How  big is the file? And WHAT log-file, they aren't all the same... 
Notepad may
t>> be a solution, otherwise wordpad and there are lots of other programs...

L> No, no, it was actually 355  *meg*, but I did fix that in the end. It
L> did load into GVim, and in a few days I will just blow it away and save
L> the week as bak, and start another one.

L> And I won't let it get that big again. The POP log is *3.5GIGS*! lol
L> Its fate will be the same :-)

L> Thanks :-) 

Zip  or rar it before you keep it as these files are mainly that big as its all

Best regards,
 tracer                            mailto:0tra...@gmail.com

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