Dear Fiends,

I got 3 email accounts (A, B & C). My filter folders are all set in the
COMMON FOLDER. The default email id is A account. When ever the
REPLY button is pressed for a message resting in the COMMON FOLDER it
opens up under A. But sometimes, the message has to be replied by B or
C account.

There is this function IF, THEN and ELSE used in TB and using these
functions, is there a possibility for TB to recognized the email id's
that has to be replied under A, B and C account???

One could store all the email id's or even better, the domain name
that has to go under A and similarly to B & C or only to store for B &
C account so that once the REPLY button is hit, TB identifies under
which account that this message has to be replied.

At moment, what I have done is made a QT so that if the REPLY has to
be done with B account, but opens with A account, I run the QT and the
FROM id changes from A to B. sometimes, it is overlooked and the REPLY
goes under A which actually it should have been under B.

will be pleased to hear


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