
On Friday 14 August 2009 at 1:44:48 PM, in
mons...@monsell-international.com wrote:

> I got 3 email accounts (A, B & C).


> My filter folders are all set in the COMMON FOLDER.

Do you mean that you filter all incoming mail into common folders?

> The default email id is A account. When ever the REPLY button is
> pressed for a message resting in the COMMON FOLDER it opens up under
> A. But sometimes, the message has to be replied by B or C account.


> There is this function IF, THEN and ELSE used in TB and
> using these functions, is there a possibility for TB to
> recognized the email id's that has to be replied under
> A, B and C account???

I take it you mean some contacts you reply to from account A, some 
from account B, and some from account C - the factor dictating which 
of your accounts to use being who the reply is going to, right?

Possibly the simplest way to achieve this would be to change your
incoming filters so that mail from contacts needing a reply from
account A go to folders under account A, those you will reply to
from account B go to folders under account B, those you reply to
from account C go to folders under account C. That way, when you open 
a reply it will be from the correct account.

Or you could use address book groups - one for "account A contacts," 
one for "account B contacts," and one for "account C contacts." Assign 
each contact to the relevant group. Use an address book group template 
for each group that dictates which account is used.

Or you could use the %IF macro, as you suggest. One way would be to 
store in each address book entry the account you will use to email 
that contact. There is no actual AB field for this, so you would use a 
field that is otherwise blank - for example you might use the 
"business pager" field. For each contact, put in that field, for 
example, "account B" (without quotes). 

Then you could use the %IF macro as follows (all on one line):-

B":%IF:"%ABtoBusPager"="C":%ACCOUNT="Account C":""%-

Or if you only wanted to specify for accounts B and C, using account A 
as the default:-

B":%IF:"%ABtoBusPager"="C":%ACCOUNT="Account C":%ACCOUNT="Account A"%-

> One could store all the email id's or even better, the
> domain name that has to go under A and similarly to B &
> C or only to store for B & C account so that once the
> REPLY button is hit, TB identifies under which account
> that this message has to be replied.

You could match domain names using regular expressions but I can't 

> At moment, what I have done is made a QT so that if the
> REPLY has to be done with B account, but opens with A
> account, I run the QT and the FROM id changes from A to
> B. 

Why not use the built-in menu function for this? From the message 
editor Options | Active account...

> sometimes, it is overlooked and the REPLY goes under
> A which actually it should have been under B.

Oops (-;

Best regards,

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