Dear Mfpa,

@2-Nov-2010, 21:22  MFPA [M] in
mid:1142452580.20101102212...@my_localhost said to Marck:

>> There's no automatic setting for this functionality.
... <snip>

M> Manually encrypting before saving as draft seems a good idea. Do you
M> think there would be any merit in a feature request for an option do
M> do this automatically, and with auto-saves too? (I'm assuming there's
M> not already a request open that I have overlooked!)

I've not seen such a request on the BugTraq. A quick search would
verify. Post a link to the entry back here when you've done so
folks can add their support to the request.

Even macros to handle encrypting and saving as draft could be useful.

Cheers --  Marck D Pearlstone -- List moderator and fellow end user
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