On Tue, 13 Jun 2000, Levine Justin-p94702 wrote:

> I have spent some time, and have come up empty.  I'm currently using Jacl to
> try to run batch files on an NT system.  However, no matter what I do with
> that exec command, it merely flips up a cmd.exe window for a moment, and
> then disposes of it.  I tried CALLing and STARTing, and all other sorts of
> nonsense.
> Could someone just show me an example of running a batch file from a jacl
> script?

It depends on what JDK you are using. If you are having problems
with a JDK 1.1 release from Sun, forget about it. JDK 1.2 seems
to work better, but that is still not great. Have you tried the
IBM JDK? That might work better than the Sun one. Sun does not
seem to do a very good job of fixing bugs in the JDK. Just
take a look at the exec implementation in Jacl if you want a
good scare.

By the way, JDK 1.3 has a new exec() API that fixes most of
these problems, but it took so long to get in that I never
got around to adding it back to Jacl. I filed a bug report with
Sun, and it took them someting like 2 years to fix the

Mo DeJong
Red Hat Inc

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