>>  Should the tickets in SourceForge tracker be closed now?
> If there were an automated way to do so - with commenting closed, and a 
> "further comments on the issue at http://github.org/the-tcpdump-group/..."; as 
> the closing comment - that would make sense.
> I'm not sure anybody here wants to close 219 SourceForge comments by hand. :-)

Give me 2-4 weeks and permission for SF account "infrastation" and I will take 
care of that.

> If you mean that when you close an issue by hand on GitHub, the corresponding 
> SF issue should be closed by hand, that might not be a bad idea.  (I did that 
> for the tcpdump issue you closed on GitHub with "-W implements that".)

Let's focus on having only one bug tracker, but a well-ordered one.

    Denis Ovsienko
tcpdump-workers mailing list

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