On 10/6/2014 11:19 PM, marcelo bagnulo braun wrote:
> El 07/10/14 08:04, John-Mark Gurney escribió:
>>> Option 2 - Protect the payload plus some fields of the TCP header
>>> For this option we believe there are 3 possible approaches:
>>> Option 2.a -- include the MAC (and other relevant information) in a TCP
>>> option
>>> This option seems to provide lower deployability, higher security and
>>> lower complexity
>> Can you include information why you believe that this has lower
>> deployability?
> see the text on the middleboxes that split and merge segments.
> Including the MAC in an option would not work though these middleboxes.

It might be useful to see Section 6.2 of draft-ietf-tcpm-tcp-edo-01.txt.

>From that:

   ...However, the most
   comprehensive study of these cases indicates that "although
   middleboxes do split and coalesce segments, none did so while
   passing unknown options" [Ho11].

   Middleboxes that silently remove options they do not implement have
   been observed [Ho11].

[Ho11] Honda, M., Nishida, Y., Raiciu, C., Greenhalgh, A., Handley, M.,
and H. Tokuda, "Is it still possible to extend TCP", Proc. ACM Sigcomm
Internet Measurement Conference (IMC), 2011, pp. 181-194.

I.e., any option-based solution might not work through a middlebox -
including the one that signals the use of TCPINC. At that point, we're
back to running TLS, and it seems pointless to discuss this as a TCP
variant, IMO.


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