*** {02.20.027} Win - IMail LDAP service 'bind DN' overflow

IpSwitch IMail versions 7.1 and prior reportedly contain a buffer
overflow in the handling of the 'bind DN' parameter passed to the
internal LDAP service, thereby allowing a remote attacker to execute
arbitrary code with local system privileges.

This vulnerability is confirmed; a vendor patch is available at:

Source: SecurityFocus Bugtraq

/   Scott Fosseen - Systems Engineer - Arrowhead AEA 5
\   www.aea5.k12.ia.us/aeaphone.nsf/Web/FosseenScott
----- Original Message -----
From: "Network Computing and The SANS Institute"
To: "Scott Fosseen (SD381534)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2002 10:29 PM
Subject: Security Alert Consensus #020

> To: Scott Fosseen (SD381534)
> Re: Your personalized newsletter
>                   -- Security Alert Consensus --
>                        Number 020 (02.20)
>                      Thursday, May 23, 2002
>                        Created for you by
>              Network Computing and the SANS Institute
>                       Powered by Neohapsis
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Welcome to SANS' distribution of the Security Alert Consensus.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Sponsored by VeriSign - The Value of Trust
> Secure all your Web servers now - with a proven 5-part strategy.
> The FREE Server Security Guide shows you how:
> - DEPLOY THE LATEST ENCRYPTION and authentication techniques
> - DELIVER TRANSPARENT PROTECTION with the strongest security without
> disrupting users.
> And more. Get your FREE Guide now:
> http://www.verisign.com/cgi-bin/go.cgi?a=n06120091000057000
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> First off, last week we incorrectly identified item {02.19.012} as a
> buffer overflow pertaining to wu-imapd, when in fact it was uw-imapd,
> also known as just plain 'imapd.' Thanks to Michael Vincenc for
> pointing out our mistake.
> Next, there has been some interesting discussion on the Security Focus
> Vuln-Dev list concerning Xeros DocuTech printers, which ship with and
> support Windows and Sun systems. Basically, the included Windows/Sun
> boxes are default installs, right down to the passwords. Have
> you thought about securing your printer installation? Oh, and the
> catch is that in order to maintain a support contract with Xerox,
> you really can't change things around. Feel free to read over the
> "Xerox DocuTech problems" thread at:
> http://archives.neohapsis.com/archives/vuln-dev/2002-q2/thread.html
> Lastly, you may have heard about it via other outlets, but we figured
> we should include a quick blurb here anyway: A Microsoft SQL worm is
> running around and preying on installations that haven't installed an
> 'sa' account password. If you have an Internet-accessible Microsoft
> SQL Server with no password on the sa account, then you need to change
> it immediately (we hoped this would be common sense).
> Until next week,
> --Security Alert Consensus Team
> ************************************************************************
> Hash: SHA1
> {02.20.003} Win - Update {02.19.012}: (uw-)imapd BODY command overflow
> {02.20.013} Win - MS02-023: May 2002 Cumulative Patch for Internet
>             Explorer
> {02.20.014} Win - PGP interacts with Windows EFS to expose files
> {02.20.026} Win - Hosting Controller CGI file manipulation and browsing
> {02.20.027} Win - IMail LDAP service 'bind DN' overflow
> - --- Windows News -------------------------------------------------------
> *** {02.20.003} Win - Update {02.19.012}: (uw-)imapd BODY command
> overflow
> Caldera released updated imapd packages, which fix the vulnerability
> discussed in {02.19.012} ("uw-imapd BODY command overflow").
> Updated RPMs are listed at:
> http://archives.neohapsis.com/archives/linux/caldera/2002-q2/0013.html
> Source: Caldera
> http://archives.neohapsis.com/archives/linux/caldera/2002-q2/0013.html
> *** {02.20.013} Win - MS02-023: May 2002 Cumulative Patch for Internet
> Explorer
> Microsoft released MS02-023 ("May 2002 Cumulative Patch for
> Internet Explorer"). This cumulative patch fixes six new security
> vulnerabilities in Internet Explorer, including the ability to
> execute arbitrary applications, local file reading, cookie reading
> and a local cross-site scripting vulnerability.
> FAQ and patch:
> http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/bulletin/MS02-023.asp
> Source: Microsoft
> http://archives.neohapsis.com/archives/vendor/2002-q2/0033.html
> *** {02.20.014} Win - PGP interacts with Windows EFS to expose files
> PGP version 7.0.3 includes an option to "wipe deleted files." If
> enabled, this option interacts with Windows EFS (Encrypted File System)
> in a manner that could leave unencrypted copies of EFS-protected
> files laying around.
> NAI confirmed this vulnerability and released a hot fix, which is
> available at:
> http://www.nai.com/naicommon/download/upgrade/upgrades-patch.asp
> Source: SecurityFocus Bugtraq
> http://archives.neohapsis.com/archives/bugtraq/2002-05/0052.html
> *** {02.20.026} Win - Hosting Controller CGI file manipulation and
> browsing
> The Hosting Controller ASP CGI suite contains bugs that allow users of
> the hosting controller software to view and overtake files on the local
> system by submitting various malformed URL requests to the CGI pages.
> These vulnerabilities are not confirmed.
> Source: SecurityFocus Bugtraq
> http://archives.neohapsis.com/archives/bugtraq/2002-05/0142.html
> http://archives.neohapsis.com/archives/bugtraq/2002-05/0168.html
> *** {02.20.027} Win - IMail LDAP service 'bind DN' overflow
> IpSwitch IMail versions 7.1 and prior reportedly contain a buffer
> overflow in the handling of the 'bind DN' parameter passed to the
> internal LDAP service, thereby allowing a remote attacker to execute
> arbitrary code with local system privileges.
> This vulnerability is confirmed; a vendor patch is available at:
> http://www.ipswitch.com/Support/IMail/patch-upgrades.html
> Source: SecurityFocus Bugtraq
> http://archives.neohapsis.com/archives/bugtraq/2002-05/0172.html
> ************************************************************************
> Version: GnuPG v1.0.6 (BSD/OS)
> Comment: For info see http://www.gnupg.org
> 3AlncZcBK8Pk4vBRJ8Y9R8U=
> =xW0b
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Sponsored by VeriSign - The Value of Trust
> Secure all your Web servers now - with a proven 5-part strategy.
> The FREE Server Security Guide shows you how:
> - DEPLOY THE LATEST ENCRYPTION and authentication techniques
> - DELIVER TRANSPARENT PROTECTION with the strongest security without
> disrupting users.
> And more. Get your FREE Guide now:
> http://www.verisign.com/cgi-bin/go.cgi?a=n06120091000057000
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Become a Security Alert Consensus member! If this e-mail was passed
> to you and you would like to begin receiving our security e-mail
> newsletter on a weekly basis, we invite you to subscribe today.
> http://www.sans.org/sansnews/
> We are signing the Consensus newsletter
> with PGP. The new SANS PGP key is posted at:
> http://www.pgp.net:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0xA1694E46 and can
> also be accessed from the SANS Web site (http://www.sans.org).
> Special Note: To better secure your confidential information,
> we will no longer include personal URLs in our Consensus
> newsletter mailings. Instead, we have created a new form
> (http://www.sans.org/sansurl). On this form you can enter the SD
> number located near your name at the top of the newsletter. When you
> submit this form, an e-mail containing a URL will be sent to you at
> the e-mail address on record. With this URL you can make changes to
> your account (edit the content of your Consensus mailing, for example)
> without endangering the security of your personal URL. If you'd like
> to change your e-mail address or other information, please visit your
> new URL as described above. If you have any problems or questions,
> e-mail us at <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.
> If you would like to unsubscribe from this newsletter, grab your SD
> number (next to your name at the top of this message) and visit the
> URL below. You will be sent a personal URL via E-mail, from which
> you can unsubscribe.  http://www.sans.org/sansurl
> Missed an issue? You can find all back issues of
> Security Alert Consensus (and Security Express) online.
> http://archives.neohapsis.com/
> Your opinion counts. We'd like to hear your thoughts on Security Alert
> Consensus. E-mail any questions or comments to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.
> Copyright (c) 2002 Network Computing, a CMP Media LLC
> publication. All Rights Reserved. Distributed by Network
> Computing (http://www.networkcomputing.com) and The SANS Institute
> (http://www.sans.org). Powered by Neohapsis Inc., a Chicago-based
> security assessment and integration services consulting group
> ([EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.neohapsis.com/).
> ---
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