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This advisory could effect Windows users who use Outlook as their e-mail application.

It's not a virus, it's not a worm.. but it could be considered a

Sophos technical support has received a significant number of calls from
customers concerned about a widespread email which invites users to pick
up an "E-Card" from a website called FriendGreetings.com.

If users follow the link in the email, they are invited to install an
ActiveX control onto their computer. An end-user license agreement
(EULA) is displayed stating that by installing the application the user
is giving permission to send a similar greeting card to all addresses
found in the user's Outlook address book.

Of course, many users will not read the EULA thoroughly and will simply
give permission for the ActiveX control to be installed, thus allowing
many unwanted emails to be sent.

The emails arrive with the following characteristics:


   <Recipient name> you have an E-Card from <Sender name>



   <Sender name> has sent you an E-Card - a virtual postcard from
   FriendGreetings.com. You can pick up your E-Card at the
   FriendGreetings.com by clicking on the link below.

   <A url at www.friendgreetings.com is then displayed>

   <Recipient name>
   I sent you a greeting card. Please pick it up.
   <Sender name>

It should be noted that this is not a virus or a worm, and that the
email has no attachment.

Customers with web proxies who are concerned about users forwarding
unwanted emails may like to consider blocking access to
www.friendgreetings.com. The website is run by a Panamanian company
called Permission Media, Inc. Companies who receive unwanted email as
described above may wish to complain directly to Permission Media.

Sophos recommends companies consider blocking access to non-work-related
websites, and educate users to check with their IT department before
installing unauthorised code onto their computers.

More information can be found on the Sophos website at

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