> Date: Fri, 19 May 2017 13:16:12 +0200
> From: "Rocky Hotas" <rockyho...@post.com>
> First of all, thank you for your answer and the "wild guess".
> I remind you that the function called inside the OpenBSD
> `ppb_alloc_resources' is `extent_alloc_subregion'. Maybe the NetBSD
> `reg_start' and `reg_end' (type `bus_addr_t') can be equivalent of
> OpenBSD `substart' and `subend' (type `ulong').
> You are basically stating that in NetBSD the `extents' could be avoided,
> achieving the same result?

That would fit in my wild guess, yes.  I have not, however, studied
exactly what the pa_memex/pa_ioex members are doing.  Maybe there is a
reason that bus_space_alloc won't work here.  Just a wild guess!

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