Le 26/09/2019 à 18:15, Manuel Bouyer a écrit :
On Thu, Sep 26, 2019 at 05:28:11PM +0200, Maxime Villard wrote:
Le 26/09/2019 à 17:25, Brian Buhrow a écrit :
        One implication of your proposal is that you'll disable the autoload
functionality, users will turn it back on, use it, and be more vulnerable
than they are now because the primary developers aren't concern with making
things work or secure anymore.

Nobody is making compat_linux work, nobody is making compat_linux secure.

My experience with a Linux program using forks and signals is that it does not
work at all; the children get killed randomly for no reason, the parent doesn't
receive the signals, and after some time everything needs to be killed and
restarted to work again. Completely broken. I didn't manage to find where
exactly the problem was.

Under reasonable assumptions, compat_linux indeed used to be the most
maintained compat layer we had. This isn't the case anymore. Under reasonable
assumptions as well, it has a marginal use case, and can be disabled.

Maybe Manuel can understand that for a minute? Or is he still looking for
evidence that I'm not the Pope?

Secure, I don't know.

Well Manuel can pretend everything he wants, but when it comes to security and
compat_linux, we're entering the world of facts, and not reasonable assumptions.

compat_linux has a history of being vulnerable, the main reason being that
it is is poorly tested - no ATF, no reliable way to exercise the code
comprehensively -, and not actively maintained either. This has led to a series
of exploitable vulnerabilities in the past, and a few weeks ago I found even
more of them using a rather simplistic QA technique.

I want to remind you, once again, that no one is talking about removing
functionality. We are talking about disabling it by default. The functionality
will still be there, and only one command away from being enabled. FreeBSD has
been doing that for a while, and OpenBSD did too before removing their version
of compat_linux. It is simple, and it makes sense, and I don't understand the
fuss and the nonsence that Manuel is trying to throw here.

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