On Sep 26,  5:18pm, Maxime Villard wrote:
} Le 26/09/2019 à 17:15, Manuel Bouyer a écrit :
} > On Thu, Sep 26, 2019 at 05:10:01PM +0200, Maxime Villard wrote:
} >> issues for a clearly marginal use case, and given the current general
} >           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
} > 
} > This is where we dissagree. You guess it's marginal but there's no
} > evidence of that (and there's no evidence of the opposite either).
} Can you provide evidence that it is used by the majority of the users?
} And that therefore keeping vulnerabilities for 100% of the people is
} legitimate?
} Please provide clear evidence.

     You are the one making the claim, it is your responsibility
to back up the claim.  Trying to push the responsibility to disprove
your claim to the opposite side is a completely bogus way of

}-- End of excerpt from Maxime Villard

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