On Sep 26, 10:17am, Maxime Villard wrote: } } I recently made a big set of changes to fix many bugs and vulnerabilities in } compat_linux and compat_linux32, the majority of which have a security impact } bigger than the Intel CPU bugs we hear about so much. These compat layers are } enabled by default, so everybody is affected. } } Secteam is in a state where no one is willing to pull up all the changes to } the stable branches, because of the effort. No one is willing to write a } security advisory either. When I say "no one", it includes me. } } The proposal and discussion held in this 2017 thread still hold and are } unchanged two years later: } } https://mail-index.netbsd.org/tech-kern/2017/07/31/msg022153.html } } The compat layers are largely untested, often broken, and are a security risk } for everybody. Keeping them enabled for the <1% users interested means keeping } vulnerabilities for the >99% who don't use these features.
Where did you get your statistics? I'm not saying that they are wrong, just that I won't accept them without evidence. } In the conversation above, we hit the problem that there was cross-dependency } among compat modules, and we couldn't selectively disable specific layers. } Today this is possible thanks to pgoyette's work. That is, it is possible to } comment out "options COMPAT_LINUX" from GENERIC, and have a compat_linux.kmod } which will modload correctly and be able to run Linux binaries out of the box. } Under this scheme, the feature would be only one root command away from being } enabled in the kernel. This is assuming that you're running with options INSECURE, otherwise you need to add it to /etc/modules.conf to have the module loaded at boot time and remain loaded. } Therefore, I am making today the same proposal as Taylor in 2017, because the } problem is still there exactly as-is and we just hit it again; the solution } however is more straightforward. }-- End of excerpt from Maxime Villard