In article <>,
 <> wrote:
>On Sat, Sep 28, 2019 at 01:29:39AM -0000, Christos Zoulas wrote:
>> Here's what I've implemented:
>> kern.module.noautoload="compat_linux* compat_[0-4]?"
>> This disables autoload for all compat_linux modules as well
>> as compat_netbsd < NetBSD-5.0
>> Comments?
>> christos
>> +            "compat_linux",
>> +            "compat_linux32",
>Kinda shocking that nowhere in this thread do we bring up the fact that
>compat_linux is not currently being auto-loaded (since a 2017 change by
>As for the actual change, I'd like to see it integrated through
>modules.conf, not via settings of default sysctl values. I think it's
>bad user experience.

modules.conf contains module names and their arguments. It is a configuration
file for each module. There are already sysctls in the kern.module. tree all
related to autoloading.


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