On Sep 30,  1:06pm, Michael van Elst wrote:
} On Mon, Sep 30, 2019 at 12:37:38AM -0700, John Nemeth wrote:
} > BTW, modules.conf isn't read by the kernel, it's read by
} > /etc/rc.d/modules.  Putting anything in there that would have a
} > lasting effect (i.e. parameters for autoloaded modules) would
} > require quite a bit of work.
} You could just store the parameters in the kernel so that a future
} autoload will use these instead of or merged with the plist.

     You could do this using the backend code for the proposed
sysctl.  The question then is how do you know when the .plist is
changed? Would you attach some kind of a kevent to it?  If so, then
you need to track the source of the entry in the "blacklist".  If
it came from the .plist, then upon receiving notification that it
has changed, then you want to delete the entry.  However, if it
came from userland via sysctl or is part of the default list, then
you don't want to delete the entry just because the .plist changed.
This is starting to get complicated with corner cases.

}-- End of excerpt from Michael van Elst

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