On Tue, Dec 8, 2020 at 13:05 Mouse <mo...@rodents-montreal.org> wrote:

> >> [...process reparenting...]
> > Isn't what you want to do very similar to what happens when a process
> > goes into background and the parent dies?
> Yes.  Between that and the partial reparenting that happens at debugger
> attach, most of the code I want already exists.
> The pieces that don't are things like dealing with control ttys and
> sessions (reparenting orphaned processes to init deals with those, but
> only in the form of setting them to a suitable "cleared" state; I would
> want something more).

ISTR NetBSD shipped (ships? I can’t find it on cursory glance) a
slimmed-down process controller (“slimmed-down” vs tmux or screen w their
myriad options and features) process handler - I want to say “detach”, but
I’m not certain.


> /~\ The ASCII                             Mouse
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>  X  Against HTML                mo...@rodents-montreal.org
> / \ Email!           7D C8 61 52 5D E7 2D 39  4E F1 31 3E E8 B3 27 4B

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