On Tue, Nov 23, 2021 at 00:01:40 +0000, RVP wrote:

> On Tue, 23 Nov 2021, Johnny Billquist wrote:
> > If something pretends to be a VT220, then the key that deletes
> > characters to the left should send DEL, not BS...
> > Just saying...
> That's fine with me too. As long as things are consistent. I suggested the
> kernel change because both terminfo definitions (and the FreeBSD console)
> go for ^H.

Note that the pckbd_keydesc_us keymap maps the scancode of the <- key to

    KC(14),  KS_Cmd_ResetEmul, KS_Delete,

i.e. 0x7f (^?).

terminfo is obviously incorrect here.  Amazingly, the bug is actually
in vt220 description!  wsvt25 just inherits from it:

$ infocmp -1 vt220 | grep kbs

I checkeed termcap.src from netbsd-4 and it's wrong there too.  I have
no idea htf that could have happened.


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