>      key_backspace                kbs         kb    sent by backspace key

>      key_dc                       kdch1       kD    sent by delete-character
>                                                     key

Part of the confusion here is that this is not well-defined.

Some keyboards have multiple keys which could reasonably be called a
"delete-character key", and they often do not send the same thing.

Similarly, is the <X] key the "backspace" or the "delete-character"
key?  I think good arguments could be made for each - and, while it's
been a while, I'm moderately sure I've seen keyboards that have all
three: a key labeled <X], another labeled "Backspace" or "Back Space",
and a third labeled "Delete".  (I don't think I've _ever_ seen a
keyboard with a key actually labeled "Delete Character".)

> BTW, since this is tech-kern, note that the wscons(4) manual page
> tells a little white lie when it suggests that when in "vt100" mode
> it "will work sufficiently as a VT220 emulator."

It will, for most purposes.  Most software does not use more than a few
basic capabilities such as cursor positioning.

Indeed, on most machines, wscons fails as a VT-100 - or VT-220 -
emulator on one of the most basic counts: the size in lines, and not
uncommonly columns, is wrong.  Whether fortunately or unfortunately (I
could argue either way), most software lets the tty size settings
override the actual size of the terminal (supposedly) being emulated,
even when that terminal was/is capable of only one size (or, as for the
VT-100, a very few sizes).  That's why mterm in "X3.64 + DEC
extensions" mode sets $TERM to "decansi" rather than "vt100", even
though in 80x24 size it's a better VT-100 emulator than many.

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