> Date: Sun, 9 Jun 2024 05:28:49 +0000
> From: Emmanuel Dreyfus <m...@netbsd.org>
> I have seen many crashes on system call returns. Another one on
> __gettimeofday50:
>    0xbb610570 <__gettimeofday50>:     mov    $0x1a2,%eax
>    0xbb610575 <__gettimeofday50+5>:   int    $0x80
>    0xbb610577 <__gettimeofday50+7>:   jb     0xbb61057a <__gettimeofday50+10>
>    0xbb610579 <__gettimeofday50+9>:   ret    
> => 0xbb61057a <__gettimeofday50+10>:  push   %ebx
> Another one:
>    0xbb610570 <__gettimeofday50>:     mov    $0x1a2,%eax
>    0xbb610575 <__gettimeofday50+5>:   int    $0x80
> => 0xbb610577 <__gettimeofday50+7>:   jb     0xbb61057a <__gettimeofday50+10>
>    0xbb610579 <__gettimeofday50+9>:   ret  

I would suggest printing the siginfo, but apparently our gdb doesn't
support it (so I filed PR 58325):

(gdb) print $_siginfo
$1 = void
(gdb) ptype $_siginfo
type = void

If we had the siginfo, it might provide a clue about why something
trapped to the kernel.

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